OMG! Yesterday might have been the best day of my life thus far. Well it all started last week when I heard that Barack Obama is coming to campus. Most of you might not know this about me but I am a nerd when it comes to politics. And I feel utterly fusterated when people dont share the same passion with me! I mean we have pressing issue at stake there is no room for complacency!! Well Obama cancelled the event because of hurricane sandy which, is understandable but he sent something better the nex dayt which is bill clinton! :)
Now when I heard that bill clinton was comming to campus I immediately change plans and cut my organic chemistry lab short. So here, I have photos from the event and also videos, that might not be on the news.
Did I mention that I shook bill Clinton hand thank god there paramatics around. (Sigh) if only I could get bill clinton to sign my lab notebook. Maybe I could sold it and became a millionaire. But I guess Clinton understands the value of an education. Till next time
ps Make sure you vote november 6. the links below will lead to video on my youtube channel. If the links doesnt work my youtube name is Purelylovin

Chinonso Nkwocha
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